Jean-Yves Duriaux & Luis Barba
Understanding the views of different actors working in conservation can accelerate collaboration. Let us know what you think about the topic and we will share the results at the beginning of 2024. We have received about 200 answers from Germany, but only 23 in The Netherlands. We need your support to get more answers!
Our colleagues at the GrassBirdHabitat LifeIP project have launched a survey intended to contribute to a better mutual understanding of the views of people involved in grassland management and meadow bird conservation in The Netherlands and Germany. We kindly ask all people working in the topic in these countries to answer the survey (10 minutes – available in English, Dutch and German) and share with your network by copy-pasting this message. The survey should reach as many stakeholders as possible working on these topics -farmers, academics, government, biodiversity conservation, non-for-profits, private companies, etc- in order to understand the different views, promote better communication and reach common ground between all actors.
The main objective of the GrassBirdHabitat LifeIP project is to improve the conservation status of breeding areas of grassland birds on 123,000 ha of grassland. The project will develop and implement habitat optimisation measures for grassland bird conservation and develop tools to make agriculture in these areas more sustainable and profitable.
Luis Barba and Jean-Yves Duriaux are leading the survey as part of their PhD research at the Resilient Landscapes group of Groningen University. Jean-Yves, is an agroecologist, who wants to understand synergies between nature and people at farm level and how to use this to maximize farmers’ participation in landscape restoration. He has experience on landscape restoration, agroforestry, nature as an input to agriculture and farmers’ willingness to participate in restoration efforts. Luis is a biologist and complexity scientist, who studies landscapes as socio-ecological entities, considers the spatial complexity of the landscape and humans as a transformation agent that shape the agro-ecosystem. Focusing on the complexity within conservation projects, he seeks to find alternative options in which nature and farmers benefit.