The Scientific “VrijMiBo” is a bi-weekly scientific get-togethers. An open stage to discuss scientific topics and to ask for feedback from a dedicated audience.
Nov 15 2023 (15:00-17:00)
BirdEyes (Zaailand 110 Leeuwarden)
For the 3rd BirdEyes Scientific Session we are excited to discuss recent/ongoing work by two speakers from the BirdEyes flock:
PhD student Renée Veenstra will give a short talk about the result of her research into the diet of Black-tailed Godwits in the Frisian countryside. How do diets change over the course of the breeding seasons – and thereafter, as birds prepare for their migration? To find out Renée has been combining video-based observations and eDNA analyses of faecal samples, the results of which will provide us with food for thought/discussion at this Scientific Session.
Postdoc Bing-Run (Drew) Zhu will talk about his research into the distributions of the western and eastern breeding populations of melanuroides and bohaii in the EAAF. There is little known about this subspecies’ movement patterns during the non-breeding period and the breeding distribution.
Drew chose to first target the Blacktails ‘wintering’ in NW Australia, and this October, during a three-week expedition, 29 Black-tailed Godwits were satellite-tagged there for the first time. Drew will tell us more about the field work there, about the improved Global Messenger tags and software he is using for this project, and how this technology may aid godwit work elsewhere.