Scientific ‘VrijMiBo’ IV: Meri Hut & Taylor Craft


The Scientific “VrijMiBo” is a bi-weekly scientific get-togethers. An open stage to discuss scientific topics and to ask for feedback from a dedicated audience.

Nov 29 2023 (15:00-17:00)

BirdEyes (Zaailand 110 Leeuwarden)

For the 4th BirdEyes Scientific Session we are excited to discuss recent/ongoing work by two speakers from the BirdEyes flock:

MSc student Meri Hut started a research project this spring with Renée Veenstra and will present her work at the University of Groningen soon. Meri will give a practice talk during this Scientific Vrijmibo and is looking forward to have some feedback on her presentation. “Agricultural fields in the Netherlands have been drastically intensified over the past decades, historical greppelland has disappeared. How does this change in management affect the functioning of the earthworm, an important ecosystem engineer and food source. In this research I took soil samples from different field types to get more insight into the effect of greppelland on the earthworm distribution and biodiversity throughout the meadow bird breeding season.”

PhD student Taylor Craft wants to give an update on a project he’s currently working on: “Knowledge of the habitat requirements for migratory species throughout their full annual cycle is essential for comprehensive species protection plans. This study addresses a significant knowledge gap in the annual cycle of continental Black-tailed Godwits by describing space-use patterns in a key wintering area, the Senegal Delta.”


In addition, we are currently organizing targeted work meetings, building on the traditions that we have developed during the Wadvogelwerk (Metawad-Waddenfonds), Kening fan ‘e Greide for many years, and the black-tailed godwit research in southwest Fryslân.

Centre for global ecological change at the University of Groningen

Birdeyes is a science and creative centre that views the world - almost literally - through the eyes of birds. More and more birds are flying around with tiny transmitters, loggers and other high technology on their backs and legs. This generates an unimaginable amount of information. By cleverly combining such data with other sources of information, and by using new ways to tell stories and share the insights with, BirdEyes strives to open up a new knowledge network. The centre aims to be an innovative part of the University of Groningen and is linked to the Rudolph Agricola School for Sustainable Development. BirdEyes, with empirical and inspirational roots in the farthest corners of the world.

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