Developing Global Flyway Network as a research tool:


WoeMiBo 9 OR 16 Oct 15:00 – 17:00: developing GFN as a research tool:
Location: Fryske Academy

Over the past year the GFN website has much improved thanks to the work of Bastiaan that was generously supported by our German Godwit-research partners. However, as the quality/resolution of tracks and number of tracked birds continues to increase with times, ensuring that the GFN website runs smoothly requires continuous development. On this WOEMIBO, Bastiaan and Wouter will present how we plan to future-proof the standard functionality of GFN and what additional tools we plan to integrate to maximise its usefulness as a data exploration and story-telling tool. To do this, we would greatly welcome your input as target users of the GFN website. Drinks and snacks will be provided 🙂


In addition, we are currently organizing targeted work meetings, building on the traditions that we have developed during the Wadvogelwerk (Metawad-Waddenfonds), Kening fan ‘e Greide for many years, and the black-tailed godwit research in southwest Fryslân.

Centre for global ecological change at the University of Groningen

Birdeyes is a science and creative centre that views the world - almost literally - through the eyes of birds. More and more birds are flying around with tiny transmitters, loggers and other high technology on their backs and legs. This generates an unimaginable amount of information. By cleverly combining such data with other sources of information, and by using new ways to tell stories and share the insights with, BirdEyes strives to open up a new knowledge network. The centre aims to be an innovative part of the University of Groningen and is linked to the Rudolph Agricola School for Sustainable Development. BirdEyes, with empirical and inspirational roots in the farthest corners of the world.

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